Show Your Work To Hire Better

Here’s a repeatable process for turning an interview, or a whole interview loop, into a hiring decision. This is a good process to start with when the whole hiring team can no longer fit in a single large conference room. [Read More]

Turek's Maxim

You shouldn’t put more energy into refuting an argument than the other person put into making it. [Read More]

Software Capabilities Vs Features

There’s a lot of work invisible to end-users in software. A big time sink is extending the software’s capabilities, which are non-user-visible technical infrastructure that allow the software to do more stuff. [Read More]

Correcting Overengineering

When I think about overengineering, I think about a few specific coding habits that everybody does to some degree. And recognizing these is largely driven by experience, both messing up yourself and seeing other peoples’ mistakes. So it’s really hard to convince somebody without that experience that’s what’s happening. [Read More]